Savoir Faire

It's french. Say it how it's supposed to be said. It'll make your mouth feel funny.

How to Make a Great First Impression in Any Situation

It may not matter if you smile more, get a better haircut, go on a diet or start wearing the right clothes. If your first impression leaves the wrong impression, you’ll face a mountain-sized uphill battle to change minds and win hearts.

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Scarring Alopecia: How Scarring Can Cause You to Lose Hair

Most hair loss, whether temporary hair shedding or permanent hair loss that’s caused by male pattern baldness, occurs with no scarring. Scarring alopecia, or cicatricial alopecia, is an uncommon type of hair loss that’s accompanied by scarring. Instead of simply damaging the hair follicles, scarring alopecia involves completely destroying the ...

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction and What Can You Do About It?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects men of all ages but becomes increasingly prevalent with age. Millions of men struggle with it but shockingly few ever seek treatment.

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Do You Have Any of These Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction?

When you hear the dreaded words “erectile dysfunction,” do you think of it as a condition that only affects older men? While age is certainly a factor in determining your risk for ED, it can affect men of any age. Problems with sexual dysfunction can be difficult or embarrassing to ...

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How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery

If you’ve recently had prostate surgery such a simple prostatectomy or radical prostatectomy, it’s quite common to experience difficulties getting and maintaining an erection following surgery. In fact, almost all men who have prostate surgery performed will experience sexual performance issues that can last from a few months to several ...

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Which Concentration of Tretinoin Cream is Best for Acne?

In this guide, we’ll list all of the different concentrations of tretinoin cream that are available for purchase and explain which concentration of tretinoin cream is the optimal choice for treating and preventing acne.

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Will You Lose Your Hair? Watch for These 8 Signs

No guy wants to be told they’re losing hair, but having to deal with male pattern baldness in early adulthood is an especially hard pill to swallow. For what it’s worth, nearly three-quarters of men experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime. Whether it’s a thinning crown, the ...

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The Most Common Erectile Dysfunction Treatments and Drugs

Experiencing erection problems? Whether you’re 25 or 60+ years old, you’re certainly not alone. About 20 million American men are affected by erectile dysfunction, or ED. Interestingly, while ED is often thought of as a condition that affects middle-aged and older men, around a quarter of all men under 40 ...

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Stubble to Shaven: Which Facial Hair Style is the Sexiest?

Researchers asked 8,520 women to rate the attractiveness of men with varying levels of facial hair. The results are in...

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No Morning Erection? What Morning Wood Says About Your Health

As a man, it’s easy to get used to waking up with an erection. In fact, most of us take morning wood (or nocturnal penile tumescence, as it’s formally known) for granted, making it a bit of a shock to one day wake up without an erection. Morning erections are ...

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