Savoir Faire

It's french. Say it how it's supposed to be said. It'll make your mouth feel funny.

Skin Care for Men in Their 20s, 30s, and 40s

But while you might not be able to stop the aging process, caring for your skin can increase the likelihood that at least your complexion will age somewhat gracefully.

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Tretinoin 101: How it Works, Uses, Side Effects & More

Available as a topical cream, gel or liquid, tretinoin is a retinoid medication that’s widely used to treat acne and reverse many of the visual signs of aging. Tretinoin is also commonly known as ATRA, or all-transretinoic acid.

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How To Expertly Build a Men’s Skin Care Routine

Caring about your skin isn’t shallow and it definitely isn’t unmanly. We get it — you’re tough — but that doesn’t mean your face should look and feel like you live outdoors and exfoliate with sandpaper.

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Men’s Skin Care Regime for Guys In a Hurry

We get it, you’re busy. Everyone is these days. And though “busy” can’t be a valid excuse for everything good for you that you decide to skip out on, it can motivate you to find speedier, more efficient methods for things like skin care.

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How to Take Care of Sun Damaged Skin

As much as we love the sun, the sun has mixed feelings about us. Sure, it warms us and helps grow our food, but spend too much time basking in her glory, and she’ll repay you with burns, blisters, aging skin, and cancer. Sun damage can happen in less than an hour, particularly for folks with the fairest skin. But even if you’re cautious and avoid burns, the cumulative effects of sun damage can be lasting.

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How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore Quickly

Luckily, cold sores are fairly easy to control. Most of the time, they’ll heal on their own in seven to 14 days. However, if you’d like to get rid of a cold sore faster than this, there are a variety of tools you can use to speed up the healing process.

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Which Concentration of Tretinoin Cream is Best for Acne?

In this guide, we’ll list all of the different concentrations of tretinoin cream that are available for purchase and explain which concentration of tretinoin cream is the optimal choice for treating and preventing acne.

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Does Tretinoin Help to Reduce and Remove Wrinkles?

There are hundreds of wrinkle prevention products on market, ranging from dietary supplements to creams, balms, gels and liquid solutions. One of the most popular and effective anti-aging and wrinkle prevention treatments available on the market is tretinoin.

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How to Use Tretinoin for Wrinkles and Skin Ageing

Have you started to notice wrinkles developing on your face? From crow’s feet to frown lines, and forehead wrinkles, facial wrinkles can develop in a variety of locations.

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