Hair Cloning News: The Dream Is Out There in 2020

If you’re seeing some male pattern hair loss in the mirror, it doesn’t take a lifelong appreciation for science fiction for you to want to turn to futuristic treatments like hair cloning. 

The idea is so simple when you’ve spent your life watching futuristic movies: a quick scan from a robot, you can identify bald scalp patches, grab a couple of hair follicles from a donor area and 3D print yourself a whole head of hair in minutes. 

Unfortunately, that’s not how things work. Not yet, anyway…

Today, a receding hairline or bald spot can’t be fixed in minutes — in fact, there’s no “cure” for hair loss yet. There are, however, a variety of treatment options available. Hair cloning procedures might not be on the list yet, but they may one day soon join the ranks of proven methods.

Want to know more? Below, we’ve explained hair cloning, the latest research and how realistic this science fiction could be in the future. We’ve also shared some current science-backed ways to treat hair loss until the future becomes now.

What Is Hair Cloning? How Does It Work?

Hair cloning, hair multiplication or whatever else you want to call it is very much an in-development treatment, so put the visuals from your favorite movies aside for a minute. 

The hair cloning process creates new hairs from donor hair follicles in a sort of multiplication process.

Research has been ongoing for decades, and you might keep hearing that the procedure is weeks away — that someone is on the verge of making a successful hair cloning process not just possible, but a reality patients can depend on.

Now, it’s important to understand that hair cloning is very different from treatments like hair regeneration or hair restoration surgery, also known as hair transplant surgery.

Regeneration is about making existing follicles start to regrow hair again, while hair transplants, like follicular unit transplantation, move hair follicles from other parts of your body to balding areas. 

Cloning, meanwhile, is really about taking one hair, growing a hundred just like it in a petri dish or a test tube and then surgically implanting them on your head.

There are also some procedures like cell therapy, which involves stem cells, that are similar, but not identical. 

So does this cloning procedure work yet? Well, no — no it doesn’t. But it’s getting closer.

Hair Cloning 2023 Update

Let’s get one thing clear straight away: there are no pending release dates, no timelines and no products awaiting their elevation to the same famed status as Rogaine.

At this moment, clinical trials are years away and most of the data we have so far is based on animal testing, meaning that human hair isn’t the current standard.

But there are still companies like HairClone, which are trying to capture the market whenever it becomes available. This company’s model focuses on storing your follicular units in cryopreservation for the day when someone can take them and create new hair follicle cells for you.

As for the research into cloning itself, we’ve definitely come a long way in the last decade or so. 

Consider the progress:

  • A 2011 study revealed that it wasn’t a lack of stem cells in hair follicles that led to baldness, but a lack of progenitor cells (which are similar to stem cells). Unlike permanent forms of alopecia, researchers determined that androgenetic alopecia may be reversible because it does not destroy hair follicle stem cells.

  • In 2013, researchers improved cloning by reshaping the petri dishes they used, which changed the in vitro environment the cells grew in; cells retained their ability to induce hair growth.

  • In 2019, Stemson Therapeutics announced that they had perfected their approach to growing new hair follicles from human dermal papillae cells (the cells at the bottom of hair follicles) after implantation in mice.

But there hasn’t been much more added to the collective knowledge base since this last study.

When Will Hair Cloning Be Available?

Sadly, science can’t always move quickly — research is trial and error, and until the trials yield many more successes, we’re going to be waiting.

In reality, it may be a while before the hair cloning procedure becomes an FDA-approved, commonplace solution. What’s out there right now simply isn’t proven, and while many researchers have shown it can work, there hasn’t been a lot of consensus on how to make it work every time. 

Hair cloning is obviously an interesting idea — and interesting ideas get a lot of attention and research funding — but even what we’ve outlined above represents just a small fraction of what’s needed to get to the “yes it’s ready” stage. 

In the meantime, you can prevent hair loss and regrow hair using existing and FDA-approved hair loss treatments like those we’ve listed below. 

It’s official. Hims is a hit.

Now after 5 months I’m able to style waves first time in 10 years!  

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Parbhu, 28

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It has helped boost my confidence as well as give me a full head of hair to play with. I am so pleased.

Michael, 33

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Jesse, 36

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4-months strong and my confidence boosted back up to 100% using Hims, future me really does thank me.

Giovanny, 23

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Hims allowed me to walk down the aisle confident and looking great.

Alexander, 32

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I tried several different options before but Hims combined approach of all four methods by far created the best results.

Brian, 48

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The results speak for themselves and I recommend it to all of my friends.

Al, 54

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I notice a huge change in the overall health and fullness of my hairline.

Seth, 27

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In just as little over two and half months, I can really see the difference in thickness and in color.

Milton, 36

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Hims has been the greatest confidence boost, no more bald jokes! I look and feel so much younger.

Mike, 34

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Before/after images shared by customers who have purchased varying products, including prescription-based products. Customers were compensated for their testimonials. These customers’ results have not been independently verified. Individual results will vary.

Hair Loss Treatments Available Today

So, what can help you today? It depends on what you want to achieve, and how much help your hair needs. 

At the moment, the FDA has two approved treatments for hair loss:

  • Minoxidil, a medication that increases blood flow to the scalp and helps regrow hair.

  • Finasteride, a medication that reduces the amount of a hormone called DHT in your system, which is thought to kill hair follicles.

Both treatments have been proven to be very effective on their own, but you may want to use both together. In a study published in the journal Dermatologic Therapy, more than 94 percent of men with hair loss who used both treatments showed improvements, versus just 59 percent of men who used minoxidil on its own. We offer a topical finasteride and minoxidil spray, which features both medications to target hair loss from multiple angles. 

As for your other options, there are plenty to explore:

Shop by treatment options

No matter the treatment plan, the best place to start is somewhere. Early action is the best hair loss prevention.

The Final Word on Hair Cloning

Cloning hair isn’t a widely available hair loss treatment yet. While mice and people from a few studies in Japan may be getting all of the perks, right now we know way too little about the potential benefits of hair regrowth with this method — and almost nothing about potential side effects. 

If you want healthy hair, you’ll need to turn to proven treatments.

Here are some important facts to know about hair loss, while we wait for the science to catch up with fiction:

Worried about losing your hair now or in the future? Our guide to the best treatments for thinning hair can help you plan for what’s to come. It provides information about how to treat and prevent hair loss using today’s technology, without having to wait for cloning or other treatments. 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.