Savoir Faire
It's french. Say it how it's supposed to be said. It'll make your mouth feel funny.
Am I Balding? 4 Ways to Know if You're Going Bald
You might not want to admit if you're balding, but there are signs that make it more obvious. Learn how you - and everyone else - can tell if you're balding.
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Biotin Daily Dose: How Much Should I Take
Biotin is a popular supplement that is also consumed through the diet. Learn how much biotin per day is adequate, how much biotin is too much, and more.
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6 Signs of Balding Men Should Watch for in their 20s
Hair loss in your 20s is both common and treatable. Here are the signs of balding in your 20s and what you can do to treat hair loss and regrow healthy hair.
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What Happens When You Stop Taking Finasteride
Wondering what happens when you stop taking finasteride? We have answers and tips for other treatments for hair loss that you can try.
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Does Minoxidil Work For a Receding Hairline?
Rogaine and its generic minoxidil treat many forms of hair loss, but does minoxidil work for receding hairline? Red on to understand minoxidil hairline treatment.
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Signs of Balding: How to Stop Hair Loss
Worried that you might be losing your hair? Learn about the first signs of hair thinning with this complete guide.
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How Many Hairs Should You Lose a Day?
It’s easy to panic after noticing a large clump of hair strands on your pillow, in the shower drain or elsewhere in your home. While shedding some amount of hair is normal, shedding an abnormally large amount of hairs during your sleep or after you wash your hair could indicate ...
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Fact or Fiction: Diving Into the Side Effects of Finasteride
Most medications come with side effects. Some side effects are minor and cause little to no problems, while others are arguably worse than the condition the medicine is supposed to be treating. For this reason, it’s important to speak to your doctor and pharmacist before taking any new medication. When ...
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Myth Busting: The Baldness Gene
Instead of settling for socks, coupons, or tacky sweaters, families all across the nation have been giving each other a more exciting holiday gift — DNA testing kits. In addition to assessing your ancestral history, these kits also test for the presence of different genes that range from the trivial ...
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Will You Lose Your Hair? Watch for These 8 Signs
No guy wants to be told they’re losing hair, but having to deal with male pattern baldness in early adulthood is an especially hard pill to swallow. For what it’s worth, nearly three-quarters of men experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime. Whether it’s a thinning crown, the ...
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