Does Zoloft (Sertraline) Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Antidepressants can help you chat up that girl, finish that screenplay and stop watching endless reruns of The Office every night before bed. 

In short, they’re great for humankind. For some antidepressant users though, common side effects can ruin one of the happiest and most fulfilling parts of lives: intimacy (specifically, sex).

Research shows that between 25 and 73 percent of people who used antidepressants like Zoloft to treat depression, anxiety and other conditions experience sexual side effects. Basically, antidepressant problems in the bedroom are a lot more common than you think. 

And dealing with them can be a frustrating process. Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction may not be as bad as some mental health issues, but it’s hard to call life “great” if you’re unable to do one of the most fun things a person can do — hook up. 

Luckily, almost all sexual side effects caused by Zoloft and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are treatable, with a variety of options available for reducing and managing your symptoms. 

Below, we’ve explained how medications such as Zoloft can cause sexual side effects like erectile dysfunction and low libido. 

We’ve also shared some practical techniques that you can use to prevent ED and stay sexually healthy while using Zoloft or similar medication.

Sexual Side Effects of Zoloft TL;DR

Zoloft is a brand-name antidepressant also known generically as sertraline. Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor prescribed to treat depression and anxiety disorders, like social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and others. 

Zoloft is one of the most common SSRIs in the United States, so we have a fair amount of information about how it interacts with your sex life, specifically that: 

  • Zoloft is often prescribed off-label to treat premature ejaculation (PE), because it can make having an orgasm take longer. 

  • Zoloft works by increasing serotonin levels, which can cause sexual side effects such as difficulty with ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

  • It may not be the SSRI with the worst sexual side effects, though. Recent research suggests that Zoloft has a lower risk of causing sexual side effects than other widely-used SSRIs.

  • Modern SSRIs like Zoloft have a lower risk of side effects than older antidepressants, such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

  • Not all sexual issues that occur while using Zoloft are caused by Zoloft. Between 35 and 50 percent of people with major depressive disorder experience sexual problems prior to treatment.

  • Most of the time, you can treat performance issues by adjusting your dosage of Zoloft, taking a “drug holiday” or trying a different type of antidepressant drug. Just be sure to always make these changes with your doctor — never on your own.

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How Zoloft and Other SSRIs Cause Sexual Side Effects

So what’s a brain pill doing downstairs? It’s a damn good question, and we want answers, damn it! But let’s not get the pitchforks sharpened just yet. After all, Zoloft is effective as a treatment for depression and anxiety.

Unfortunately, Zoloft just happens to be associated with a range of sexual side effects. Commonly referred to as SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction, these side effects include:

Precisely why Zoloft and other SSRIs cause these sexual side effects is unclear to experts, though — they’re still scratching their heads at this one. 

One popular theory is that the effects of SSRIs on serotonin may also impact sexual desire and performance. Increased levels of serotonin may negatively affect the production of similar neurotransmitters and hormones, including dopamine and testosterone, and you need those to get hard.

Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter that’s involved in reward-seeking behavior, as well as processes such as achieving orgasm.

Testosterone, meanwhile, is an androgen hormone — a male sex hormone — that plays a vital role in regulating sexual response and arousal. 

Zoloft, thankfully, isn’t quite as impactful for your erection as other antidepressants. Remember how up to 73 percent of people who take SSRIs experience sexual side effects? Well, data from clinical trials suggests that only two to eight percent of men using Zoloft experience sexual side effects. The most common of these are ejaculation difficulties (reported by eight percent of men) and erectile dysfunction (reported by four percent of men).

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How to Deal with Sexual Side Effects of Zoloft 

If you’ve found that sertraline is helping your mental health, you may be reluctant to stop the good vibes for some better boners. That’s a totally understandable decision.

But these effects may also cause you some extra distress — which obviously isn’t what you want when you’re treating depression or anxiety.

The good news is that sexual effects from antidepressants can often be treated or reduced with some changes to the way you use your medication.

To treat ED from Zoloft, your healthcare provider may recommend using one or several of the following techniques:

  • Adjusting your dosage of Zoloft. Zoloft is prescribed at several dosages, from 25mg to 200mg per day. Some side effects, including sexual effects, may be more common when Zoloft is used at a high dosage.

  • Switching to a different SSRI. Although most SSRIs work in the same basic way, there are differences between each medication that could make one a more suitable choice for you than others. Different types of SSRIs include Paxil (paroxetine), Lexapro (escitalopram), Celexa (citalopram) and Prozac (fluoxetine).

  • Using bupropion (Wellbutrin®). Some prescription antidepressants, such as bupropion (Wellbutrin), are less likely to cause sexual side effects than others in the SSRI class of medications.

  • Taking a temporary “drug holiday.” Your healthcare provider may suggest going on a “drug holiday” — a day or two in which you stop taking your medication — to lower the severity of ED and other sexual function issues by giving the medication time to exit your body before sex. We have to repeat it though — you may be used to jetting off to the beach whenever you want, but don’t just decide to take this type of holiday by yourself.

  • Using medication to treat ED. In some cases, your healthcare provider might suggest using a prescription ED medication like Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), Levitra (vardenafil) or Stendra (avanafil) to make getting an erection easier.

  • Making changes to your habits. Some habits, such as being inactive, smoking, eating an unhealthy diet, living a stressful lifestyle or watching porn excessively, may also play a role in erectile dysfunction. Our guide to naturally protecting your erection goes into more detail about lifestyle changes that you can make for better erections and sexual health. 

All these changes can help, but here’s a major warning for dudes struggling with this problem right now: if you have developed signs of antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction after taking Zoloft, don’t make any changes without first talking with your healthcare provider.

Abruptly stopping or reducing your dosage of Zoloft (or any antidepressants) can cause withdrawal symptoms. 

It’s also possible for you to experience a relapse of depression or anxiety if you suddenly stop taking your antidepressant medication.

And that’s just as bad for boners as SSRI side effects, in the big picture.

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The Bottom Line on Zoloft Sexual Side Effects

Let’s look at the big picture for a moment here, starting with the real value of Zoloft. If you have depression, anxiety or another psychiatric disorder, using medication like Zoloft can help to make your symptoms less severe and significantly improve your quality of life. It’s a life-changing medication for many people.

Feeling down is not something we’d wish on anyone, but not being able to get up? That’s in the same ballpark. If you’re worried you’ll have to choose erections or joy, you can relax.

There are ways to find the right balance and ditch those sexual side effects, so you can be happy and horny at the same time. Remember the following as you chart a path to having your cake and having your boners, too:

  • Sexual side effects from Zoloft only affect a small percentage of users, but they can happen to anyone, even those with no previous sexual issues. 

  • Let your healthcare provider know if you notice any changes in your sex drive, erections or ability to enjoy sexual activity while using Zoloft. 

  • Your healthcare provider can offer you options. They may adjust your dosage of Zoloft, or switch you to a new antidepressant or another medication to improve your sexual response cycle and overall sexual performance.

  • You may also benefit from using ED medication to improve blood flow and help you get and maintain erections more easily. It’s not necessary for everyone, but it may help. 

Worried about sexual side effects from Zoloft? Our guide to managing sexual side effects from antidepressants goes into more detail about what you can do if you notice ED, a low sex drive or other sexual issues after starting treatment with an SSRI. 

You can also learn more about Zoloft and its active ingredient in our detailed guide to sertraline, which covers everything from how this medication works to its most common uses, side effects, potential interactions and more.

Happiness and erections are something we all deserve as much of as we want. Sort out this little medication conflict and get what you deserve today.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.