Savoir Faire

It's french. Say it how it's supposed to be said. It'll make your mouth feel funny.

Signs of Balding: How to Stop Hair Loss

Worried that you might be losing your hair? Learn about the first signs of hair thinning with this complete guide.

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Sertraline FAQs: 25 Common Questions Answered

Interested in learning more about sertraline? You have questions, and we have answers! Well, 25 of them, at least.

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Losing an Erection During Sex: Reasons & Resolutions

It can be frustrating trying to figure out why your erection goes away so fast. Learn the causes for losing an erection during sex and what you can do.

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Does Viagra Make You Last Longer in Bed?

If you need to stop because you’re no longer hard, Viagra could help you last longer in bed. Learn how Viagra makes you last longer vs other standard options.

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Sildenafil 20 mg: Is It the Right Dose for ED?

Wondering about sildenafil (generic Viagra) at a 20-mg dosage? Here’s what to know about this erectile dysfunction (ED) medication.

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Insomnia: Why it Happens and How to Treat It

Can’t sleep? Insomnia is an exceptionally common issue, with about one in every four American adults experiencing some form of difficulty sleeping every year.

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Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction: What Every Man Needs to Know

There is a phenomenon where healthy, sexually active men find themselves unable to perform when it comes to being intimate with a girlfriend or partner. A medical exam reveals nothing physically to be wrong which only leads to more confusion. It is only a review of personal habits that points ...

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Psychological Causes of ED - Is It All in Your Head?

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction and you can’t blame it on underlying health conditions, you might feel like your problems are all in your head. While psychological issues may be at the root of your problem, they are just as valid as many physiological causes for ED.

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Hairs in the Drain or on Your Pillow? How to Tell If You’re Going Bald

When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, it's easy to miss subtle changes in your appearance such as thinning hair around your temples or a receding hairline. Though these small changes may evade you, finding a clump of hair on your pillow will definitely make you sit ...

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Tretinoin 101: How it Works, Uses, Side Effects & More

Available as a topical cream, gel or liquid, tretinoin is a retinoid medication that’s widely used to treat acne and reverse many of the visual signs of aging. Tretinoin is also commonly known as ATRA, or all-transretinoic acid.

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