Savoir Faire

It's french. Say it how it's supposed to be said. It'll make your mouth feel funny.

Jock Itch vs. Herpes: Differences & Treatments

Is it jock itch, or is it herpes? A question probably as old as time, we're on a mission to give you the answer you're looking for.

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The Average Penis and Erection Size: Real Data

Ever wondered what the average penis size is and how your package stacks up? Find out everything you need to know with this complete guide.

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How Do Premature Ejaculation Pills Work?

All about premature ejaculation pills, their efffectiveness, side effects and more. If you're looking for pills to last longer in bed, we've got answers.

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What Does Viagra Do to Your Sexual Experience?

All about what to expect before and after Viagra use. We cover what viagra is, what does viagra do and many popular questions like does viagra make you bigger.

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6 Signs of Balding Men Should Watch for in their 20s

Hair loss in your 20s is both common and treatable. Here are the signs of balding in your 20s and what you can do to treat hair loss and regrow healthy hair.

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Side Effects After Stopping Finasteride

Wondering what happens when you stop taking finasteride? We have answers and tips for other treatments for hair loss that you can try.

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How to Treat Headaches From Viagra, Cialis and Levitra

Headaches from Cialis and Viagra are unfortunately somewhat common. But treating Viagra and Cialis headaches is easy. Don't forget to stay hydrated, fellas!

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Does Minoxidil Work For a Receding Hairline?

Rogaine and its generic minoxidil treat many forms of hair loss, but does minoxidil work for receding hairline? Red on to understand minoxidil hairline treatment.

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Foods to Avoid With a Herpes Outbreak

Many things can exacerbate a herpes outbreak. Food is a big one. If you want cold sore-free lips, avoid these foods with a herpes outbreak.

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Zoloft Weight Gain: What You Need to Know

Sertraline (Zoloft) is a common SSRI medication used to treat everything from depression to premature ejaculation. Should you expect weight gain?

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