Savoir Faire

It's french. Say it how it's supposed to be said. It'll make your mouth feel funny.

Foods to Avoid With a Herpes Outbreak

Many things can exacerbate a herpes outbreak. Food is a big one. If you want cold sore-free lips, avoid these foods with a herpes outbreak.

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Zoloft Weight Gain: What You Need to Know

Sertraline (Zoloft) is a common SSRI medication used to treat everything from depression to premature ejaculation. Should you expect weight gain?

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The Complete Guide to Having Sex With Herpes

Can you have sex with herpes or receive oral with herpes? Learn how herpes can affect your sex life and what precautions to take.

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Sertraline FAQs: 25 Common Questions Answered

Interested in learning more about sertraline? You have questions, and we have answers! Well, 25 of them, at least.

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Losing an Erection During Sex: Reasons & Resolutions

It can be frustrating trying to figure out why your erection goes away so fast. Learn the causes for losing an erection during sex and what you can do.

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Does Viagra Make You Last Longer in Bed?

If you need to stop because you’re no longer hard, Viagra could help you last longer in bed. Learn how Viagra makes you last longer vs other standard options.

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Sildenafil 20 mg: Is It the Right Dose for ED?

Wondering about sildenafil (generic Viagra) at a 20-mg dosage? Here’s what to know about this erectile dysfunction (ED) medication.

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What Are the Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction has many potential causes, but most of them are treatable. Psychological causes for ED can be treated with psychotherapy and various non-medical treatments while physical causes for ED can be treated with drugs, surgery, or medical devices.

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction and What Can You Do About It?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects men of all ages but becomes increasingly prevalent with age. Millions of men struggle with it but shockingly few ever seek treatment.

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Do You Have Any of These Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction?

When you hear the dreaded words “erectile dysfunction,” do you think of it as a condition that only affects older men? While age is certainly a factor in determining your risk for ED, it can affect men of any age. Problems with sexual dysfunction can be difficult or embarrassing to ...

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