Erection Tea: Does it Work for ED?

If we are what we eat, what about what we drink? We know consuming a balanced diet — including the beverages we drink — has many health benefits for our body. You may have also heard about the health benefits of drinks like herbal teas, such as green tea or black tea.

But can drinking green tea before sex improve sexual performance or increase sexual desire? Do those so-called “erection teas” actually improve erectile dysfunction (ED) and your sex life?

Sexual dysfunction can hinder your sex life, to say the least. So it’s no surprise some guys turn to natural remedies that promise to solve their sexual woes, like a sex tea to make you last longer.

If sex tea sounds too good to be true, you’ll find answers here. Read on to learn which beverages may actually improve sexual dysfunction and which ones are simply tall tales.

What Are Erection Teas or Sex Teas?

Is sexual tea for libido (also called sex drive) or erectile function legit?

First off, while erectile dysfunction can be incredibly annoying and even detrimental to your quality of life, you’re certainly not alone. Thirty million men deal with ED, and the causes range from health conditions like heart disease to mental health and more.

Premature ejaculation (PE) — a male sexual function issue in which you may ejaculate early during sexual encounters — is another common form of sexual dysfunction. It affects as much as 39 percent of the male population.

With so many men affected by these issues, it’s no wonder tea for male performance has been marketed as a solution.

In the same ways we know green tea has tons of antioxidant effects, and chamomile tea can help you relax before bed, erection teas are purported to help with erections.

Erection teas usually contain a blend of herbs, leaves or roots. These ingredients are intended to be medicinal and may claim to improve penile strength and performance during intimate moments.

Tea for erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation and other teas to increase libido include various types:

But how do teas for erections and other drinks for libido provide sexual benefits?

Types of Erection Teas and Their Sexual Benefits

For centuries, the chances of restoring or improving erectile function heavily depended on the strength of the brew in a teacup. 

While modern, carefully developed methods have since been introduced, erection teas remain relevant in managing erectile function.

Green Tea

Feeling extra zen when you have a cup of green tea? It’s not just a placebo. This beverage is high in theanine, a compound that has notable calming and sleep-improving qualities.

While you enjoy your calm mood and all the additional time curled up in bed, green tea before sex may also help improve the symptoms of ED you’re experiencing.

There’s a chance green tea works through properties that help protect blood vessels from damage.

This tea has also been said to improve blood vessel function while helping prevent the buildup of plaque in these channels. These presumed abilities suggest that green tea has the capacity to regulate blood flow to the penis.

So, green tea for erectile dysfunction may be one part of the solution for any sexual dysfunction you’re experiencing.

Chamomile Tea

Often enjoyed as a caffeine-free alternative to green or black tea, chamomile tea is well-regarded for its antioxidant content that may help with digestion and ward off heart disease.

Also used as a sleep or relaxation aid, chamomile can be found in several anxiety supplements.

Performance anxiety and other mental health issues can cause erectile dysfunction. Using a relaxation aid like chamomile tea could reduce anxiety, leading to improved sexual performance.

Chamomile tea benefits sexually could also include lowering blood sugar to prevent diabetes, another major cause of ED.

Research suggests that chamomile might improve blood sugar levels and oxidative stress levels in people with type 2 diabetes while reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.

A small study of 64 diabetic people also found that daily consumption of chamomile tea resulted in significantly lower average blood sugar levels compared to those who only drank water.

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Ginseng Tea

Not only does ginseng purportedly have exceptional sexual benefits, but this Asian herb provides health benefits that cover everything from physical stamina and immune function to aging and improving memory.

Available in a few varieties, such as white and red ginseng, ginseng root also happens to be the most common ingredient among top-selling supplements for men’s sexual health.

For its sexual benefits, ginseng has been praised for its ability to boost libido, improve sexual performance and manage cases of erectile dysfunction.

To get ED under control, it’s believed that red ginseng may act similarly to the hormonal effects produced by testosterone to improve erectile function.

Another theory suggests that ginseng may relax muscles in the penis. When relaxed, these muscles permit blood to flow into and fill up blood vessels in the penis, causing erections. This effect is believed to be due to the activities of ginsenosides, the active ingredients in ginseng.

While it isn’t 100 percent certain how the herb achieves these benefits, ginseng for ED has been a common resort for relief.

But as with most other teas and herbs for ED on this list, it’s worth noting that the benefits of ginseng tea on erection health are far from proven, and research is still developing.

Ginkgo Biloba Tea

Ginkgo biloba is known for its supposed ability to improve memory, help manage hypertension and boost energy levels.

You may have also seen ginkgo biloba for ED supplements or ginkgo biloba tea marketed as the best tea for sex.

Some claim ginkgo biloba tea boosts nitric oxide, a compound that encourages the relaxation of smooth muscles in the penis — an important part of the process of getting and maintaining an erection.

However, very limited studies exist on its effects on humans, so we can’t say for sure how ginkgo biloba will play out for medical conditions relating to sexual function.

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Traditional Pill

SildenafilGeneric Viagra®

From £2.36/use

The most commonly prescribed ED treatment, contains the same active ingredient as Viagra® but is 80% more affordable than the brand name.

Traditional Pill

Daily TadalafilDaily Generic Cialis®

From £21/month

A clinically proven treatment for erectile dysfunction that helps men achieve and maintain erections more easily. It gives you the freedom to enjoy spontaneous sex without needing to plan ahead.

Traditional Pill

As-Needed TadalafilGeneric Cialis®

From £2.36/use

The unbranded, more affordable generic form of Cialis® taken as needed. It is clinically proven to help men get and keep harder erections for up to 36 hours.

Traditional Pill

Viagra Connect®

From £5.83/use

The over-the-counter branded version of sildenafil. Viagra Connect® improves blood flow to the penis, helping you achieve and maintain strong and satisfying erections.

Important safety information for Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Tadalafil Daily or Viagra Connect.

Horny Goat Weed Tea

A popular Chinese herb, horny goat weed has been linked to improving wide-ranging health conditions like cardiovascular disease, blood pressure issues, brittle bones and rheumatism (inflammation in the joints or muscles).

Working hard to live up to its name, horny goat weed also has suspected benefits for improving sexual function.

A compound found in the herb called icariin has been associated with improving cardiovascular function. Icariin has also been found to have an effect similar to PDE-5 inhibitors, a common type of erectile dysfunction medication (Viagra® is one example).

L-Arginine Tea

L-arginine may not be the most familiar name to you. But your body knows it very well, as this protein is a naturally occurring substance.

To help manage erectile dysfunction, some believe teas containing this amino acid are capable of producing nitric oxide to allow more blood flow.

While many studies have been carried out to determine the extent of L-arginine, most had shortcomings, from small sample sizes to inconsistent or insignificant results.

More research is needed to fully understand exactly how L-arginine may help with erectile dysfunction.

Side Effects of Erection Teas

There are some well-researched benefits of tea for erectile function, such as chamomile or green tea. But there can also be risks with herbal remedies, like “herbal Viagra” or “natural Viagra.”

Drinking sex teas several times a day, many days in a row, may not be the best option for your well-being.

For instance, consuming red ginseng in high amounts has been associated with adverse effects, such as:

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia

  • Upset stomachs

  • Constipation

Likewise, consuming too much L-arginine has been linked to:

  • Headaches

  • Indigestion

  • Insomnia

  • Skin flushing

Meanwhile, those who’ve used ginkgo biloba have reported seizures and headaches after consumption.

To get the right benefits from these teas, it’s vital you do the necessary research. But beyond that, seek medical advice from a healthcare professional before using vitamins and supplements for ED.

Other Ways to Last Longer, Treat ED and Increase Libido

Several tried-and-true ED treatments are available, with years of research to support their claims. Many of these medications are household names, such as:

Chewable ED meds are also available as hard mints for more convenient ED treatment — and they contain the same active ingredients as other medications.

If sexual performance anxiety is the source of your ED, online therapy can be an effective option to identify what triggers your anxiety and learn how to cope.

You might also benefit from therapy or counseling if you’re struggling with other psychological causes of ED, like anxiety or depression.

Or if you’re looking to last longer in bed, there are several premature ejaculation treatments worth trying. Options like our desensitizing Delay Spray and Clockstopper benzocaine wipes can help you last longer and delay your climax.

You can also check out these tips for lasting longer so you and your partner can enjoy yourselves a bit longer.

Curious if male-enhancement products are worth it? See our guide to find out whether these pills actually work and what FDA-approved medications to use instead.

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Are Sex Teas and Erection Teas Worth It?

Giving a satisfactory performance during intercourse can be a big boost to your self-esteem and overall sex drive — which is why options like sex tea for erectile function or improved libido are commonly resorted to.

But are they worth it? Here’s what to remember:

  • Erection teas typically contain a blend of herbs or leaves with ingredients thought to promote penile strength and performance during sexual activity.

  • Common types of teas that supposedly improve sexual function include green tea, chamomile tea, ginseng tea, ginkgo biloba tea, horny goat weed tea and l-arginine tea.

  • While there are some health benefits, there isn’t much research on the exact connection between sex teas and improved sexual performance.

If you’re looking for more information on natural remedies for ED, we’ve compiled a list in this guide. Or if you’re curious about other erectile dysfunction treatments, we have you covered there too.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.