Viagra Connect® vs. Viagra®: What’s the Difference?

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

Written by Our Editorial Team

Last updated 2/02/2023

If you’ve recently experienced the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and want to do something about it, you’ve likely looked into medications such as Viagra®, or the “little blue pill”.

Viagra and Viagra Connect® are two of the most popular erectile dysfunction treatments on the market in the UK. Both work quickly to provide relief from ED and make sexual activity easier if you’re prone to difficulty maintaining a reliable, constant erection.

In fact, both medications share the exact same active ingredient — the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil citrate.

Although Viagra Connect and Viagra are extremely similar, there are several legal and medical differences between these two medications that you’ll want to be aware of if you’re considering either erectile dysfunction medicine.

Below, we’ve explained the science behind how Viagra and Viagra Connect work as treatments for erectile dysfunction. 

We’ve also discussed the key differences between these two medicines, from dose differences to the process for accessing each form of Viagra.

Finally, we’ve discussed some other options that you may want to consider if you have ED and want to use erectile dysfunction medication for more reliable erections and better sex.

How Exactly Does Viagra Work?

Viagra and Viagra Connect both contain the active ingredient sildenafil citrate, a PDE5 inhibitor that works by increasing blood flow to your penis.

PDE5 is an enzyme that’s found inside the smooth muscle tissue of your blood vessels.1 When a medication such as sildenafil inhibits PDE5, your blood vessels become wider, allowing more blood to flow to certain areas of your body.2

As levels of sildenafil increase, the blood vessels that supply your penis widen, allowing for an inflow of blood into the tissue in your penis. This makes it easier to get and sustain an erection sufficient for sex with your partner.3

Viagra and Viagra Connect both contain sildenafil, meaning they have the same general effect inside your body. Both medications should be taken around one hour before sex and generally last for around four hours in total.4

Our guide to how Viagra works explains the process of getting an erection — as well as the role of Viagra and similar medications in this process — in more detail. 

Differences Between Viagra and Viagra Connect

As we mentioned above, Viagra Connect and Viagra both contain exactly the same ingredient, sildenafil citrate. 

As such, they’re largely the same medication when it comes to how they work within your body and the type of results you can expect for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

However, the main differences between the two medicines revolve around their legal status, as well as the amount of sildenafil citrate in each medication. 

Viagra is a prescription medicine in the United Kingdom, meaning you’ll need to talk to a healthcare professional and get a valid prescription before you can purchase it from the pharmacy and use it to improve your erections.

Viagra Connect, on the other hand, is legally classified as a “pharmacy medicine”, which means it can be purchased by men over the age of 18 who have erectile dysfunction.

This decision was made in 2017 by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), based on advice from the Commission on Human Medicines and detailed information on the medication’s safety.5

As a pharmacy medicine, Viagra Connect can be purchased from a pharmacy after a discussion with the pharmacist. The pharmacist may give advice on issues such as side effects, how to use this medication and other topics related to taking Viagra Connect safely.6

Viagra Connect can also be purchased online. For example, we offer Viagra Connect as part of our range of effective treatments for erectile dysfunction.

There are restrictions on the sale of Viagra Connect, meaning it isn’t available for everyone who may ask about it at their local pharmacy.

In order to buy Viagra Connect, you’ll need to have an appropriate reason to use this medicine, as well as good general health. You’ll also need to be male and over the age of 18.

Viagra Connect isn’t sold to people with:

  • Severe heart disease or other cardiovascular health issues

  • A high risk of cardiovascular disorders

  • Severe kidney failure

  • Liver failure7

It also isn’t available for men who currently use medications that could interact with Viagra and cause dangerous issues, such as nitrates, alpha-blockers, some medications for HIV and party drugs such as amyl nitrate “poppers”.8

These substances can cause rapid changes in your blood pressure if used with Viagra or other ED medications. In some cases, the combination of Viagra with these medications may lead to sudden decreases in blood pressure that cause fainting or other serious health issues.9

In other words, although Viagra Connect is a pharmacy medicine, there’s a longer process for buying it (for your safety as an end user) than there is for, say, a pack of paracetamol. 

In addition to the different legal status of each medication, the other major difference between Viagra and Viagra Connect is the amount of sildenafil in each tablet.

Viagra is sold in three different dosages, with each Viagra tablet containing either 25mg, 50mg or 100mg of sildenafil.10 Most of the time, the 50mg version of Viagra is the first one prescribed for erectile dysfunction, as it’s effective for most men.11

If you have mild ED and don’t need this much sildenafil, or if you’re simply prone to side effects from Viagra, your healthcare provider may adjust your dosage to 25mg.

Alternatively, if you have severe erectile dysfunction and don’t notice improvements from 50mg of sildenafil, your healthcare provider may suggest using the 100mg version of Viagra. 

In one way, you can think of Viagra Connect as a one-size-fits-all medicine that’s a good option for most men with ED, and prescription Viagra as a medication that can be “tailored” more to a specific person’s needs. 

Viagra and Viagra Connect vs. Generic Sildenafil

So, if the biggest differences between Viagra and Viagra Connect are their legal status and the amount of sildenafil in each medication, what is the difference between Viagra and the generic version of sildenafil?

Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra. You can think of sildenafil as a generic medicine for Viagra — a less expensive option that contains the same active ingredient and works the same way, but doesn’t have as much of an impact on your wallet.

For example, using our telehealth platform, Viagra Connect is priced at £5.83 per dose, while a dose of sildenafil is 80 percent cheaper. 

As a generic medication, sildenafil requires a prescription. We offer sildenafil online, following a consultation with a UK clinician, as part of our range of ED treatments for men.

Side Effects of Viagra, Viagra Connect and Sildenafil

Viagra, Viagra Connect and generic sildenafil may cause adverse effects. Most side effects of these medications are mild and transient, meaning they’ll gradually fade away as the medicine exits your body.

Common side effects of Viagra, Viagra Connect and sildenafil include: 

  • Headaches

  • Facial flushing

  • Dyspepsia (indigestion)

  • Blurred vision, colour tinge to vision or increased sensitivity to light

  • Nasal congestion (stuffy nose)

  • Myalgia (muscle pain)

  • Back pain

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Rash12

Our guide to the side effects of Viagra discusses these potential adverse events and what you can do if you experience any in more detail. 

Because Viagra, Viagra Connect and generic sildenafil contain the same active ingredient, the side effects of these medications are the same. In other words, you’re just as likely to develop facial flushing with Viagra Connect as you are with 50mg of generic sildenafil.

However, if you’re prescribed Viagra or generic sildenafil at a higher dosage than the 50mg of sildenafil used in Viagra Connect, you may have a higher risk of certain side effects.

As always, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider if you notice any bothersome or persistent side effects after you start treatment with Viagra Connect, Viagra or generic sildenafil.

Another Option for Treating ED

Finally, in addition to Viagra Connect, Viagra and sildenafil, there’s one medicine you may also want to consider if you’re prone to erectile dysfunction: tadalafil.

The active ingredient in Cialis®, tadalafil is also part of the class of drugs commonly referred to as PDE5 inhibitors. However, it’s a much longer-lasting medicine than the sildenafil that’s used in Viagra, with a single dose providing relief from ED for up to 36 hours.13

Tadalafil is a prescription drug, meaning you’ll need to discuss it with a clinician before you buy and use it to treat ED. We offer tadalafil online following an individual consultation, allowing you to access this long-lasting “weekend pill” for erectile dysfunction if appropriate. 

The Bottom Line on Viagra Connect and Viagra

Viagra Connect is the over-the-counter form of Viagra — a convenient medication that you can use if you’re one of the millions of men in the UK affected by erectile dysfunction.

Since Viagra Connect doesn’t require a prescription, it’s a great way to get started with treating erectile dysfunction if you feel embarrassed about discussing this issue with your healthcare provider or just don’t have the time to travel to an appointment.

We offer Viagra Connect and sildenafil online in our selection of erectile dysfunction treatments, letting you access the type of treatment that’s most suitable for your needs as a man. 

Want to find out more before you get started? Our guide to what you should expect from erectile dysfunction medication goes into more detail about the experience of using ED medicines, from the amount of time required for results to potential side effects, costs and more.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.