Male Multiple Orgasms: Is It Possible?

Multiple orgasms: the holy grail of sexual accomplishment. Women love them, men want to provide them and all guys wish they could have them.

The multiple male orgasm is not a well-researched topic. But you’ve likely heard or seen some sexologist proclaim that prostate stimulation, perineum play, genital meditation or Zen masturbation can bring you to sexual Nirvana.

Unfortunately, legitimate research on multiple orgasms and the multi-orgasmic man is thin — and not terribly impressive yet. What we’re trying to say is, there’s not a lot out there to suggest men can have multiple orgasms. But also, never say never!

Below, we’ll go over the current research, along with some practical tips for better orgasm control. It may not make for multiples, but it’s a start. Here’s what we know so far:

Male Multiple Orgasms: The Research

If you believe the optimistic studies that have been published, men can, in fact, achieve multiple orgasms. But there’s a catch.

The occurrence of men who can accomplish this multiversal pleasure is unsurprisingly low — less than 10 percent, according to current research (which is limited to self-reported data).

What’s more, the occurrence of these self-reported orgasms tends to drop off after age thirty. So, if you’re buying a retirement home this weekend, you might as well focus on your short game.

The big question for many men: Why can’t most guys climax more than once when many women can?

It has to do with something men are stuck with called the refractory period. Basically, the refractory period is a “cooldown” mechanism for your orgasms. This period is the time after climaxing before you’re able to get hard again.

Refractory periods can last just a few minutes or up to an entire day, depending on various factors, including age.

We still have lots of questions to answer about how and why it works, but some men claim to be able to skip it — and most experts are puzzled.

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How Men Can Control Orgasms and Have More Sex

Sexual health is an ever-evolving field. So while we’ll tell you right now there’s no known strategy or sexual stimulation technique for achieving multiples, there are ways to increase stamina, improve erectile function and even decrease the refractory period, bringing you closer to the desired pace of pleasure.

A lot of your orgasm control might be related to the type of orgasm you have — yes, there are more than one. In fact, there are thought to be two types of male multiple orgasms: sporadic and condensed.

  • Sporadic multiple orgasms. Some men might be able to orgasm multiple times in a cluster with a latency period of a few minutes between climaxes.

  • Condensed multiple orgasms. This is when men climax multiple times in such rapid succession that the transition from one to the next seems instantaneous.

If you want to achieve a knee-buckling, full-body orgasm, multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms or some kind of Taoist Zen orgasmic enlightenment, here’s what to add to your routine.

Kegels (Pelvic Floor Exercises)

Pelvic floor exercises (or kegel exercises) can be done at your desk or while playing video games — and they can give you a huge boost in the bedroom.

A 2019 systematic review concluded that pelvic floor muscle training “appears effective in treating erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.” In other words, doing kegels is a great way to improve all areas of your sexual wellness. 

Unfortunately, the same review said that no “optimal training protocol” has been identified, so you may need to try a few techniques before you see results.

To do a kegel, contract the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle — which controls bowel movements — or pelvic floor muscles (the ones that control urination) repetitively to increase your control over ejaculation.

As many women will tell you, these muscles weaken with age. Pelvic weakness is linked to incontinence issues and premature ejaculation (PE), so it’s good for more than just your sex life.

The Squeeze Technique

The so-called “squeeze technique” can help you not cross the point of no return during sexual activity. Just before orgasm, you pull out and gently squeeze the tip of your penis to decrease your level of arousal. Do this for 30 seconds, letting the sensation pass and your heart rate settle down, then get back in the game. 

The squeeze technique is popular, but it does have a few limitations — among them: your own self-control.

The Start-Stop Technique

The start-stop technique is literally just stopping mid-sex until the urge to ejaculate goes away, then starting again.

Studies on the start-stop technique are limited, but they generally support its efficacy. For guys with good control and partner communication, it can help in a (less literal) pinch.

PE Treatments

If you suffer from premature ejaculation, you have options beyond the techniques listed above. Research shows that antidepressants like sertraline and paroxetine can actually increase men’s time to ejaculation in some cases.

These meds aren’t officially meant to control ejaculation. But just because the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) hasn’t approved them for this purpose yet doesn’t mean healthcare providers haven’t noticed their sex-boosting side effects.

Likewise, topical treatments can help prevent premature ejaculation. Lidocaine, benzocaine and other numbing agents can make you less sensitive, delaying and reducing pleasure enough to squeeze out a few more minutes.

Our Clockstopper benzocaine wipes and Delay Spray are two great places to start.

ED Treatments

Numerous medications for erectile dysfunction may help you have more satisfying sex. ED meds like sildenafil (generic Viagra®), tadalafil (generic Cialis®) and avanafil (generic Stendra®) improve erectile function by making blood flow to your penis easier and more efficient.

For more on how these prescription ED treatments work and how to take them correctly, check out our guide to erectile dysfunction medications.

Lifestyle Tips 

There are several ways to improve sexual health. Sexual medicine reminds us that our overall well-being is tightly linked to sex, so good heart health, mindful dietary choices, consistent sleep habits and effective stress management are essential priorities — whether sexual arousal is a problem or not.

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Multiple Orgasms In Men: The Final Word

Multiple orgasms might sound great, but satisfying sex and abundant sexual pleasure aren’t questions of quantity — they’re questions of quality. 

What we’re getting at is that although multiples would be nice, they shouldn’t be your focus.

To optimize your sex life, remember these hard facts:

  • Some research answers the question “Can you cum twice?” with a tentative yes. However, the “yes” is self-reported by men who may not understand their sexual experience scientifically.

  • No studies have shown biomechanical evidence of male multiple orgasms.

  • Sex toys, anal orgasms, so-called tantric sex, prostate orgasms, dry orgasms and any other pleasurable sensation might be fun, but there’s no research linking them to mythic multiple male orgasms.

  • Sex is much more when sharing it with someone equally invested and present in the experience.

  • If you’re dealing with ED, PE or another sexual issue, talk to a professional. They can provide medication, therapy and guidance for having the kind of bedroom game you want.

Ready to take the next step? We can help. Explore our online sexual health resources or fill out our quick online questionnaire to get started.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.