How much hair loss is normal?

Losing your hair can often be a worrying sight to see when you’re going about your daily life. The average guy will lose roughly 50-100 strands of hair a day, and probably won’t even notice it, but if you start noticing your hair thinning, don’t worry, honestly. Around two-thirds of men will experience some form of hair loss by the age of 35, so rest assured that you’re not alone.

There’s a variety of reasons why you may be losing hair, and we’ll get into this in more detail below. However, the most common form of hair loss is Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) which affects 50% of men over the age of 50, and is largely driven by your hormones and genetics.

Other Forms of Hair Loss

While MPB is the most common form of hair loss that men experience, losing your hair can also be affected by things such as your diet, lifestyle or even your hormone cycle – though these are not related to MPB. 

If you are worried that you’re suffering from hair loss, continue reading below for our easy to follow guide on what to check and most importantly, how to check if you’re losing an above-average amount of hair.

Hair Loss Tests You can Do at Home

There are different tests that you can do yourself to check whether you might be experiencing an above-average amount of hair loss. We’ve outlined the most popular ones below.

Please note, however, that these tests are not scientifically accurate enough to base a diagnosis on – it’s always best to get expert medical advice before you seek out hair loss treatment.

The Pull Test

The Pull Test is a simple way of working out where in the growth and loss cycle the hair on your head actually is.

Research suggests that for the average person, around 90% of the hair on your head is in a growing phase and the final 10% is in a resting phase. In the resting phase, your hair is ready to fall out in order to leave room for the new hair to grow.

Simply take around 60 hair strands between your fingers and gently pull slightly as you run your hand through your hair. Normally, roughly five to eight strands should come loose. If you find you’re pulling closer to fifteen to twenty hairs, it could be a sign of hair loss. Please note that to do this properly, you shouldn’t shampoo your hair for at least a day before the test.

The Comb Test

Another way to check hair loss is by carrying out the comb test. This is another test you can do yourself at home.

Before washing your hair, lean over a light coloured sheet and for one minute, comb the hair from the crown of your head to the front. Once finished, count the number of hairs that are left on the sheet – The average is around ten strands.

Now, there are obviously some caveats that have to be mentioned whenever you are testing the loss of your hair. 

One important point to remember is that there are a vast array of reasons as to why you may be losing your hair, and as we mentioned earlier, while at-home testing can be a step on the journey to understanding and treating your hair loss, it will never be conclusive.

Dealing with Hair Loss

If you do see that you are experiencing an above-average amount of hair loss, there’s no need to panic. These days, there are effective treatments that can combat hair loss, and in many cases even re-grow hair.

Hair Loss Treatments

There are two types of medicines which are scientifically proven to be highly effective at treating hair loss, and these are Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil is a solution which is applied directly to the scalp to treat hair loss. It works by dilating blood vessels around hair follicles, which in turn increases the nutrient supply to them. This lets your hair grow back thicker and stronger, leading to a greater volume of hair on your head.

Finasteride, another effective hair loss solution, is taken in tablet form. The treatment works by reducing the levels of DHT, the hormone most commonly responsible for male pattern baldness. It can be used in combination with Minoxidil or by itself.

At Hims, we offer effective Minoxidil and Finasteride solutions which can be ordered directly to your door. 

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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.