How Long Does Viagra Connect® Last?

Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP

Written by Our Editorial Team

Last updated 2/02/2023

If you have erectile dysfunction (ED), you may have considered using Viagra Connect® to make getting and maintaining an erection easier. 

Viagra Connect is the over-the-counter version of Viagra®. It’s sold without a prescription and is a convenient treatment option if you’re interested in improving your erections and sexual health without using prescription ED medication.  

How long does Viagra Connect last? On average, a dose of Viagra Connect, which contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate, will work as a treatment for erectile dysfunction for about four hours. 

However, certain factors, such as your diet and use of alcohol, could affect Viagra Connect and prevent it from working effectively.

Below, we’ve explained what Viagra Connect is, as well as how it works as a form of treatment for erectile dysfunction. 

We’ve also covered how long Viagra Connect lasts, as well as what you can do to get the best results while using this medication to treat ED.

What is Viagra Connect?

Viagra Connect is an over-the-counter version of Viagra — the well-known erectile dysfunction treatment. This version of the little blue pill is a pharmacy medicine, meaning it can be bought online or from certain pharmacies under the supervision of a pharmacist.

Like the prescription version of Viagra, Viagra Connect contains sildenafil — a PDE5 inhibitor medication that works by expanding the blood vessels that supply your penis, producing improved blood flow when you experience sexual stimulation.1

This increase in blood flow to your erectile tissue makes it easier to get and maintain a reliable erection, letting you engage in sexual intercourse.

Viagra comes in several doses, from 25mg to 100mg. Viagra Connect — the version that’s sold over the counter — contains 50mg of sildenafil, which is enough to produce improved erections for most people with erectile dysfunction.2

Contrary to popular belief, Viagra Connect doesn’t have any impact on your sex drive, nor is it linked to any changes in your level of sexual arousal. Instead, it solely works by increasing the flow of blood to your penis, making the process of getting an erection easier.

If you’re one of the millions of UK-based men affected by ED, this improvement in your erectile health can have a real positive impact on your sexual experience and sex life in general.

Viagra Connect® makes it possible... from your home!

How Long Does Viagra Connect Last?

Viagra Connect starts working approximately one hour after you use it, and it normally produces an improvement in your ability to get and maintain an erection during sex for about four hours in total.3

In other words, if you take Viagra Connect at approximately 7 p.m., you should notice its benefits until around 11 p.m. on the same night. 

This four-hour window after taking Viagra Connect is generally enough time to engage in sexual activity at least once. 

It’s important to keep in mind that these are average figures, and your experience with Viagra as an erectile dysfunction medication may vary. You may notice that it starts working slightly earlier for you, that it lasts for slightly longer on some days, or that its active effects fade gradually.

During your refractory period (the period of time after you reach orgasm and ejaculate), you may still find it tough or impossible to get an erection, even if Viagra Connect is still active within your body. 

However, some men find that Viagra shortens their refractory period, meaning they can get hard again for “round two” in less time than usual. 

One thing to be aware of is that Viagra Connect might take slightly longer to start working if you eat a heavy meal that’s rich in fatty foods, such as a burger and chips, at the same time that you take this medication.4

This is because high-fat foods can affect the absorption of sildenafil, the active ingredient that’s used in Viagra Connect. 

As such, it’s best to avoid taking Viagra Connect with a fatty meal. Instead, if you plan to eat at the same time as you use this medication, try to eat something slightly lighter to stop your meal from interfering with your ability to get and maintain a complete erection.

Another factor that may affect Viagra Connect is alcohol consumption. It’s best to avoid alcohol while you’re using Viagra Connect, as drinking large amounts of alcohol can have its own effect on your sexual function.

If you’re used to drinking on occasions that could involve sex (for example, a date), try to avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Instead, take it easy and drink in moderation. Not only will you function better sexually — you’ll also reduce your risk of alcohol affecting Viagra Connect.

Can Viagra Connect Cause Side Effects?

Viagra Connect, prescription Viagra and generic sildenafil can cause side effects. Most of these side effects are mild, and it’s uncommon for them to have a significant negative impact on your results from Viagra Connect as an ED treatment.

Common side effects of Viagra Connect include headaches, facial flushing, changes that affect your vision, dyspepsia (indigestions), nasal congestion, back pain, myalgia (muscle pain), rash, nausea and dizziness.5

Of these adverse effects, the most common are headaches and flushing, which occurred in 21 and 19 percent of men who used Viagra at the 50mg dosage used in Viagra Connect in clinical trials, respectively.6

Because Viagra Connect only lasts for around four hours, it’s uncommon for any unwanted side effects to continue after the medication stops working. 

Viagra Connect can also interact with some other medications, including nitrates used to treat chest pain and/or high blood pressure.

Because of this, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider if you use any other medications or have a health condition before you use Viagra Connect, Viagra or generic sildenafil.

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How to Get the Best Results from Viagra Connect

Viagra Connect is easy to use — just take one tablet approximately one hour before you plan to have sex. However, making a few changes to your habits and lifestyle can help to improve your sexual function and may improve your results from this medication. 

Try the following tips to get the best results from Viagra Connect: 

  • Take Viagra on an empty stomach, or with a small meal. Avoid eating foods that are high in fat, as these can slow down the absorption of Viagra Connect and might make it a less effective treatment for ED.

  • Combine Viagra Connect with healthy habits. Being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet can all reduce your risk for health issues that cause ED and improve your general sexual performance.

Our list of habits for improving your sexual performance shares simple lifestyle tips that you can use to have better sex and improve your results from Viagra Connect.

  • Limit your alcohol intake. While one drink usually isn't the biggest problem, drinking to excess while using Viagra can affect your sexual function and may increase your risk of side effects.

  • Treat any underlying mental health issues. Although Viagra Connect improves blood flow, it won’t treat mental health issues that may contribute to erectile dysfunction, such as depression, chronic stress or sexual performance anxiety.7

Finally, if Viagra Connect doesn’t seem to work for you, consider reaching out to your healthcare provider to talk about other treatment options for ED.

They may suggest using generic sildenafil or Viagra at a higher dosage or using a long-lasting erectile dysfunction medication such as tadalafil (the active ingredient in Cialis®).

We offer these medications online as part of our range of erectile dysfunction treatments, with prescription medications available following a consultation with a UK clinician. 

The Bottom Line on How Long Viagra Connect Lasts

Viagra Connect starts working in approximately one hour and generally provides relief from ED for about four hours at a time. This means that you can take your tablet in the late evening after dinner and enjoy better sexual performance until bedtime. 

Because Viagra Connect lasts for four hours, it’s best to plan your sexual activity ahead of time and use this medication close to the time you expect to have sex.

Interested in trying Viagra Connect? We offer Viagra Connect online, allowing you to easily get help for erectile dysfunction and improve your sexual performance. 

You can also learn more about your options for successfully dealing with ED in our guide to the most common erectile dysfunction treatments and medicines.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.