How Long Does Viagra and Other ED Medication Last?

You’ve just paid the bill for date night dinner when suddenly you realize you forgot to take your Viagra pill. It's a 30-minute walk back to the apartment, and the night is still young. 

Can you slip away to the bathroom, or is it already too late? It's a fair question to ask.

Sildenafil citrate — the active ingredient in brand-name Viagra® — is one of the most widely used and effective erectile dysfunction medications.

For many men, a single tablet of sildenafil is all it takes to improve blood flow and help produce a normal, easily sustained erection

So, how long does Viagra take to work, and how long does it last once it’s in your body? For the most part, brand-name Viagra and generic sildenafil start to work quickly and last a few hours. 

However, there are a few factors that may affect timing. We’ve discussed these below and explained what you need to know if you’re prescribed Viagra as an erectile dysfunction treatment.

How Long Does Viagra Take to Work?

Is your stopwatch ready? Pill in hand? Okay, here we go.

Most of the time, Viagra (and sildenafil) should start working in about 30 to 60 minutes after you take it (if Viagra doesn’t work, you’ve got other problems). This is generally enough time for the medication to get absorbed in your intestinal tract, move into your bloodstream and produce a noticeable effect.

However, the amount of time required for Viagra to start working can vary depending on a range of factors, from the specific response your own body has to this medication, to foods you ate shortly before or after taking it. 

When it’s taken on an empty stomach, Viagra usually begins working rapidly, as the medication is able to enter your digestive system faster.

If you take Viagra or generic sildenafil with or shortly after a large, fatty meal, it may take a little longer to start working. For this reason, avoid a fatty meal if you’re on the clock.  

How Long Does Viagra Last?

According to the medication’s FDA label, Viagra lasts for about four hours. 

The technical explanation is that the Viagra half-life is four hours, which means it will still be in your system after four hours, but not in high enough concentrations to continue producing endless hard-ons. 

The less technical explanation is that most men affected by erectile dysfunction who use Viagra are able to get and maintain an erection without any issues for approximately four hours after taking this medication. 

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that you’ll still go into your refractory period after ejaculating — even if you use Viagra — meaning you’ll need to take a break if you plan to have sex again. 

Here’s a big brain reminder for those of you who like making bad decisions: taking a higher dose won’t make you last any longer — though it could cause low blood pressure and potentially stop your heart — so don’t try overdosing on purpose.

Our full list of Viagra FAQs discusses the amount of time Viagra lasts in more detail, as well as other common questions about how Viagra and generic sildenafil work.

How Long Does Sildenafil Last?

Sildenafil usually lasts for approximately four hours, giving you a large time window in which you can have sex with optimal erectile function. 

This medication — called a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor — basically inhibits an enzyme in your blood vessels, helping to relax and dilate (open up) those blood vessels. This increases blood flow to your penis, which helps you get hard. 

Sildenafil’s blood vessel opening effects also treat a type of hypertension called pulmonary arterial hypertension, which is high blood pressure in your lungs. 

But we’re here to watch the clock on your peen and not check your other organs, so let’s take a closer look at that. If you want to know more about Viagra and PE5 inhibitors, check out our blog on how Viagra works.

In one study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, men with ED who used sildenafil at a dosage of 100mg were able to attain an “adequate” erection four hours later — a finding that’s consistent with sildenafil’s four-hour half life. 

Of course, there's a little wiggle room in this four-hour window. 

Research suggests that while sildenafil can help produce an erection at four hours post-dose, it may not be as firm as the erection you get one hour after taking sildenafil. 

The active ingredient will continue to affect blood vessels in your penis and increase blood flow — it just might not continue to be enough for sexual activity.

As such, for optimal results, it’s best to time your use of sildenafil so that you’re able to have sex within a few hours after taking this medication, and not cut it close to the four-hour mark unless you really have to. Within an hour of the big event is ideal. 

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Factors That Can Affect How Long Viagra Lasts

A variety of factors can affect the amount of time Viagra or generic sildenafil stays active in your body. These include:

  • Your diet. Eating a large meal, particularly a meal that’s high in fat, can slow down your body’s absorption of sildenafil and prevent it from working quickly. It may also extend the length of time for which sildenafil keeps working.

  • Your age. Age can have an impact on your body’s ability to absorb medication. If you’re older than 65 years old or if you have hepatic and/or renal impairment, it may take longer for Viagra to start working and exit your body.

  • Your alcohol consumption. Consuming a significant amount of alcohol may affect your sexual function and make it more difficult to maintain an erection. However, it isn’t clear if alcohol affects the amount of time sildenafil lasts.

  • Your sildenafil dosage. Although sildenafil’s half-life stays the same regardless of your dosage, taking a larger dose of Viagra or generic sildenafil may cause you to experience slightly longer-lasting effects.

  • Your mental well-being. Several psychological factors could make treatment for erectile dysfunction less effective, including depression, stress or feelings of sexual performance anxiety.

  • Your overall health. Some medical conditions, such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis (MS) can affect your erectile function and prevent medications like sildenafil from being fully effective.

  • Your use of other medications. Certain medications, such as antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, antiandrogens, tranquilizers and others, can make ED symptoms more severe and may affect the amount of time that sildenafil works.

If you’re prescribed Viagra or generic sildenafil and feel worried that it isn’t working for as long as it should, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider. 

They may suggest adjusting your dosage or making other changes to the way you use your medication. 

Can You Make Viagra Last Longer?

Because the half-life of Viagra’s isn’t something you can change, there’s no simple way to make this medication last for longer once it’s in your body.

However, there are several things that you can do after you take Viagra to ensure it is as effective as possible:

  • Take sildenafil or Viagra as prescribed. Make sure to closely follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and take Viagra or generic sildenafil at the prescribed dosage.

  • Avoid high-fat meals. As you already know, eating a high-fat meal could affect the amount of time required for Viagra to start working and reduce its effectiveness.

  • Don’t consume alcohol. It’s best not to drink alcohol while using Viagra, as this may have a negative effect on your sexual performance.

  • Take it easy and relax. Try to create a relaxing mood before sex to prevent feelings of stress, anxiety or general worry from affecting your sex life. 

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Traditional Pill

SildenafilGeneric Viagra®

From £2.36/use

The most commonly prescribed ED treatment, contains the same active ingredient as Viagra® but is 80% more affordable than the brand name.

Traditional Pill

Daily TadalafilDaily Generic Cialis®

From £21/month

A clinically proven treatment for erectile dysfunction that helps men achieve and maintain erections more easily. It gives you the freedom to enjoy spontaneous sex without needing to plan ahead.

Traditional Pill

As-Needed TadalafilGeneric Cialis®

From £2.36/use

The unbranded, more affordable generic form of Cialis® taken as needed. It is clinically proven to help men get and keep harder erections for up to 36 hours.

Traditional Pill

Viagra Connect®

From £5.83/use

The over-the-counter branded version of sildenafil. Viagra Connect® improves blood flow to the penis, helping you achieve and maintain strong and satisfying erections.

Important safety information for Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Tadalafil Daily or Viagra Connect.

Can Viagra Produce Permanent Effects?

Assuming it’s used correctly, Viagra doesn’t cause lasting side effects. It stops working after four hours and doesn’t have any long-term adverse effects on your body.

As we mentioned above, the half-life of sildenafil is approximately four hours, meaning it takes a total of four hours for the amount of sildenafil in your bloodstream to decrease by 50 percent.

This means that a typical dose of Viagra or generic sildenafil will remain “in your body” for about one day after you take it, albeit in a tiny quantity that has no noticeable effects on your health. 

Eventually, Viagra will no longer be present in your bloodstream or tissue and it will produce no effects within your body. 

Of course, like with most medications, PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra are associated with a number of side effects that you’ll need to watch for:

  • Common side effects can include flu-like symptoms, headaches and dizziness.

  • Serious side effects like prolonged erection (or priapism) and chest pain are risks of ED treatment. If you have an erection lasting more than four hours after taking the little blue pill, seek medical attention immediately. 

To avoid negative drug interactions, you should not take Viagra with nitroglycerin or other nitrates, nor should you take it with beta blockers.

For more, check out our guide to the potential side effects of Viagra.

Viagra Half Life vs. Other ED Medications

Although Viagra is the most popular medication for treating ED, it certainly isn’t the only treatment option in its category. Other common medications for treating ED include Cialis®, Levitra® and Stendra®, all of which have similar positive effects to Viagra.

  • Cialis (tadalafil) provides relief from ED for significantly longer per dose than Viagra. Most of the time, one dose of Cialis will take effect within 60 minutes — but may take effect in as little as 30 minutes — and can last for as long as 36 hours.

  • Levitra (vardenafil), on the other hand, has a similar half-life to Viagra. Levitra contains vardenafil and can take about 60 minutes to start working. Once it’s absorbed by your body, its effects usually last for approximately four to five hours.

  • Stendra (avanafil) is one of the newer kids on the block as far as ED meds go. It comes out swinging with a terminal half-life of five hours — slightly longer than Viagra — which means you can generally expect a normal dose of Stendra to provide relief from ED for five hours. Stendra is also quick to start working, with some men experiencing improved erections in as little as 15 minutes after taking it. 

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The Bottom Line on How Long Viagra Lasts

How long does Viagra last? Assuming you take it either without food or with a small meal that’s low in fat, you can expect Viagra to start working in around one hour and provide relief from ED for approximately four hours at a time.

We just spent this whole article answering that question, so we won’t repeat ourselves anymore. What we will do, however, is leave you with a cheat sheet of the most important takeaways:

  • Viagra won’t make you hard without sexual stimulation — it helps allow blood to flow to your penis, but this process only starts when you get aroused.

  • If Viagra doesn’t work effectively for you, it’s best to let your healthcare provider know as soon as you can. You may need to adjust your dosage of Viagra or make other changes to the way you use your medication. 

  • The tale of the permanent penis damage is one that most men know, and yes, it’s based on truth. 

  • If you’re looking for extended relief from erectile dysfunction, a longer-lasting medication such as tadalafil may be your best bet.

  • Over-the-counter supplements are not a safe alternative to FDA-approved ED medications. Read more in our guide to gas station sex pills.

We offer several evidence-based, FDA-approved ED medications online, including Viagra and generic sildenafil. 

To get started, consider taking part in an online consultation for erectile dysfunction to talk to a licensed healthcare provider and learn more about your options. 

Oh, and Siri? Set a reminder for 30 minutes from now.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.