6 Simple Habits to Boost Your Sexual Performance

Do you start your day with a cup of coffee? Do you make an effort to eat a variety of healthy foods look fruits and vegetables? Do you try to live an active lifestyle?If so, you could be doing things that boost your sexual performance without even knowing it! If you’re not, you could unwittingly be cock-blocking yourself.The behaviours you engage in on a daily basis have a direct impact on all aspects of your health, including your sexual health. Keep reading to learn about six simple daily behaviours that you can start adopting today to boost your sexual performance.

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Daily Behaviors to Improve Sexual Performance

You may not realise it, but some of the very behaviours you exhibit every day could be the very behaviours contributing to your erectile dysfunction.

If you want to send your ED packing, try adding these six simple behaviours to your daily to-do list:

  1. Drink a cup of coffee. A recent study suggests that caffeine has properties similar to erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra when it comes to dilating the arteries and stimulating blood flow to the penis. Don’t down an entire pot, but beginning your day with a cup of joe could get your blood flowing.

  2. Break a sweat. If you think about it, your cardiovascular health is closely related to your sexual performance. If you are out of shape, the chances are that you won’t last very long in bed, though it may be more a matter of physical rather than sexual stamina. Getting just thirty minutes a day of sweat-breaking exercise can greatly improve your cardiovascular fitness and your sexual health.

  3. Chow down on fruits and veggies. As we’ve already mentioned, heart health is closely linked to sexual health and high cholesterol is one of the most common risk factors for heart disease. The best way to reduce your cholesterol is to eat more high-fibre foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.

  4. Fill up on healthy fats. In addition to adding more fibre to your diet, increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids is a sure-fire way to boost cardiovascular health and improve sexual performance. Fatty fish like salmon, halibut, sardines, and herring are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Other foods that may boost your intake of omega-3s and other healthy fats include avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

  5. Slay your stress. We all deal with stress on a daily basis but how you handle it can have an impact on your sexual performance. Chronic stress leads to elevated cortisol levels which suppress the libido. Slay your stress by taking 30 minutes each day to do something you enjoy. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed throughout the day, take a few minutes to do some deep breathing exercises.

  6. Practice makes perfect. If you find that you aren’t lasting as long as you like in bed, you might need to take a little “me” time. Having sex more frequently is the best way to improve your longevity, but if you don’t have a consistent sexual partner then masturbating on your own might help. If you do, try to change up your masturbation technique and focus more on the total-body feeling of arousal. If you feel yourself about to come, slow down or stop and wait a few seconds before you resume.

Incorporating just one of these six behaviours into your daily regimen could help boost your sexual performance, so imagine what doing all six could do! You don’t have to start doing them all at once – you may find it easier to stick to these habits if you incorporate them gradually.

Bad Habits that Ruin Your Sex Drive

In addition to adding some of the daily behaviours from the previous section to your daily regimen, you should also stop engaging in the following bad habits:

  1. Drinking too much alcohol

  2. Not getting enough sleep

  3. Taking on too much stress

  4. Overdosing on sugar

Wondering exactly how these bad habits contribute to low libido and other sexual dysfunctions?  Let’s start with alcohol.A glass of wine with dinner can help put you in the mood for sex, but overindulging in alcohol – particularly on a regular basis – might depress your libido. Drinking to excess can dull your sexual sensitivity and may make it more difficult for you to maintain an erection or to reach orgasm. If you do drink, try to include some water at a ratio of 2-to-1 with alcoholic beverages.Another bad habit that contributes to sexual dysfunction is lack of quality sleep. Most of your testosterone production happens when you’re sleeping, so if you don’t get enough sleep your body might not produce enough testosterone to support healthy erections. In fact, one study revealed that sleep deprivation causes testosterone levels to drop by as much as 70%.Is your stress keeping you up at night? If so, it could be a factor contributing to your erectile dysfunction. Studies show that the most common causes for ED are psychological and that includes stress!If you’re feeling stressed, you may be tempted to drown your sorrows in a sugary soft drink or a bowl of ice cream. What you may not realise is that too much sugar in your diet could increase your insulin production, causing you to lose muscle mass and store more fat around your abdomen. High levels of belly fat are correlated with low testosterone and increased estrogen levels – these factors combined may cause low libido and erectile dysfunction.By now it should be clear to you that everything you do impacts your health in some way. The food you eat, the level of stress you experience, and the amount of sleep you get can all affect your health in positive or negative ways.If you’re serious about improving your sexual performance, man up and start taking accountability for your own actions and your own daily habits!

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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.