Erectile Dysfunction at Age 40: Causes & Solutions

The big 4-0. Congrats on reaching this milestone! 

Getting older can come with many benefits: wisdom, a greater sense of self, feeling established in your life and career. And a little salt-and-pepper hair looks sexy on just about anyone.

On the flip side, aging comes with a few drawbacks. For instance, being more aware of your mortality than ever or not being able to do backflips off a dock like you used to without dislocating a limb.

It also means you’re more likely to develop erection problems at 40.

There’s a good reason most Viagra® ads feature older men. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is more common in older people. You can have erection issues when you’re younger, too. It’s just way more common the older you get.

But just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean your sex life has to take a hit. And by the way, 40 isn’t old! You have plenty of runway ahead, and you deserve to fill it with great sex.

In this article, we’ll dig into erectile dysfunction at age 40, including how common it is, what might be causing it and how to treat it with medications and lifestyle changes.

How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction at Age 40?

You feel young, vibrant and full of life. You’re in your 40s, not your 80s, after all!

Unfortunately, data suggests that when you reach your 40s, you have a 40 percent chance of developing ED symptoms. And that number goes up 10 percent with every decade — 50 in your 50s, 60 in your 60s, and so on and so forth.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Your 40s

A few things can make it harder to get and maintain erections as you enter your 40s. We’ll outline the most common causes of ED in your 40s below.

Bottom line, though: It’s important to talk with your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing ED symptoms to figure out the underlying cause — regardless of whether you have sudden ED or experience symptoms off and on.

Most Common Causes of ED in Your 40s

Okay, you’re in your 40s and having erection troubles or sexual performance issues. What might be causing your ED symptoms?

Causes of erectile dysfunction can be physical or psychological.

Psychological causes (like stress, anxiety or depression) can impact sexual function and make it harder to, well…get hard.

Pair that with the fact that life in your 40s is likely filled with stressors (work stress, relationship stress and everyday stress). Plus, your risk for mental health conditions increases with age.

The physical causes of ED can be:

  • Vascular (the most common cause), relating to blood flow and blood vessels

  • Neurological, relating to the nervous system

  • Hormonal

Let’s break down what might lead to vascular, neurological and hormone-related ED.

Vascular Causes of ED

Cardiovascular issues are the main contributor when it comes to vascular-related ED. 

Some types of heart disease — like hardened arteries (aka atherosclerosis), high cholesterol and high blood pressure — can impact blood vessel health and restrict penile blood flow. Without proper blood flow to the penis, you can’t get or maintain an erection.

As you get older, you also have a higher risk for medical conditions that can cause ED, like diabetes.

Since high blood glucose levels can damage nerves and blood vessels (yes, even the ones in your penis!), diabetes can mess with your ability to get hard.

As noted, you’re more likely to develop diabetes the older you get. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people most often develop type 2 diabetes after age 45.

Neurological Causes of ED

Neurological ED stems from conditions like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS). Neurological disorders can impair the nervous system, meaning your brain may be unable to send the signals needed to start or keep an erection.

And guess what’s a major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases like these? Aging.

Hormonal Causes of ED

People often associate age-related hormone changes with female menopause. But men also go through hormonal changes as they get older.

Yep, your ED may be the result of age-related hormonal changes like a dip in testosterone levels, which happens naturally as you get older. Low testosterone can hamper your ability to get and stay erect long enough for sexual activity.

Other Causes of ED for Men in Their 40s

The following causes may also lead to sexual dysfunction:

  • Medications. As you get older, you’re more likely to develop health problems that require you to take prescription drugs. A side effect of some medications — like antidepressants and high blood pressure (aka hypertension) meds — is *whomp, whomp* ED. Some common culprits include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), which are both used to treat depression and anxiety, as well as beta-blockers, which help treat hypertension.

  • Lifestyle choices. Being inactive, smoking, drinking a lot and a bad diet can all increase your risk of ED. Why? These habits increase your chance of developing certain health conditions.

  • Prostate cancer. Prostate cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation may impact your ability to get and keep an erection. But also, cancer just sucks. It can take an emotional toll that trickles into your sex life, making it more difficult to get excited about sexual intercourse.

  • Physical trauma. We can feel you wincing after reading this. And we’re sorry for bringing it up, but yes, injury to your pelvic area can cause ED. Injury might happen from direct trauma, like having a blood vessel or nerve nicked during prostate surgery. Or it could be an accident that causes a spinal cord injury.

And FYI: It’s possible for several causes to contribute to ED at once.

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How to Fix Erectile Dysfunction at 40

You’re 40, struggling to get it up and worrying this might be the end of a satisfying sex life. You might even be asking yourself, Can ED be reversed?

We’ve got good news: ED is treatable!

Just because you’re in your 40s and experiencing symptoms doesn’t mean you have to live with them forever.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for ED, but seeking out a healthcare professional who specializes in urology is a great first step in finding medical treatment that works for you.

Let’s break down the different ED treatments your healthcare provider might recommend.

ED Medications

ED meds can make it easier to get back into the swing of things in the bedroom. They can help you get and stay hard while you work with a healthcare provider to address underlying issues.

Here’s an overview of current FDA-approved ED medications known as PDE5 inhibitors:

Another option is our chewable hard mints, which contain sildenafil or tadalafil, the active ingredients in other FDA-approved erectile dysfunction meds.

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Traditional Pill

SildenafilGeneric Viagra®

From £2.36/use

The most commonly prescribed ED treatment, contains the same active ingredient as Viagra® but is 80% more affordable than the brand name.

Traditional Pill

Daily TadalafilDaily Generic Cialis®

From £21/month

A clinically proven treatment for erectile dysfunction that helps men achieve and maintain erections more easily. It gives you the freedom to enjoy spontaneous sex without needing to plan ahead.

Traditional Pill

As-Needed TadalafilGeneric Cialis®

From £2.36/use

The unbranded, more affordable generic form of Cialis® taken as needed. It is clinically proven to help men get and keep harder erections for up to 36 hours.

Traditional Pill

Viagra Connect®

From £5.83/use

The over-the-counter branded version of sildenafil. Viagra Connect® improves blood flow to the penis, helping you achieve and maintain strong and satisfying erections.

Important safety information for Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Tadalafil Daily or Viagra Connect.

Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Changes for ED

Day-to-day choices have a big impact on overall health — including erectile function.

Healthy lifestyle habits can help improve your overall well-being and make you less likely to develop medical conditions that can impact your D and make it tough to maintain an erection.

The following good habits may help prevent ED and improve existing erectile dysfunction symptoms:

  • Eat a healthy diet. Good nutrition can help manage conditions that can lead to ED, like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Our blog has tips for maintaining an erection naturally, including ways to adjust your diet to improve sexual health.

  • Quit smoking. You probably already know it’s bad for you, but did you know smoking increases your risk of developing ED? Smoking can damage the blood vessels necessary for getting and maintaining an erection. So while you might think smoking looks cool, it definitely won’t make you feel cool — especially in bed.

  • Limit alcohol intake and drug use. Both can be fun, but overdoing it can seriously mess with you down there, making it almost impossible to get your penis to stand at attention.

  • Get moving. You don’t have to run a marathon tomorrow, but getting your heart rate up often is good for your cardiovascular health and can help improve conditions like high blood pressure.

  • Try stress-reduction strategies. Since stress can cause and exacerbate ED symptoms, finding ways to better cope with daily stressors — like yoga, meditation or listening to soothing music — may help.

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The Bottom Line: Erectile Dysfunction at Age 40

We’re way past a time when most people didn’t live until their 40s. Life is longer now! This means way more time to enjoy the things that make you feel good — sex included.

Your risk of developing ED increases as you get older. But know that if you start experiencing ED symptoms, you’re not doomed to live with them.

This men’s health condition is highly treatable. With so many erectile dysfunction treatment options available, you’re bound to find one that works for your needs. Still, it’s a good idea to talk with a healthcare professional to discover the underlying cause. 

Ready to get help for your ED symptoms? Get a prescription online.

In addition to prescribing meds, our telehealth providers can recommend testing and physical exams to help diagnose any underlying conditions that may be contributing to your sexual function issues.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment or medication.